Friday, August 20, 2010

What could this thing on my eye have been?

I'm not trying to be gross or make a joke, but about a month ago I noticed I had this tiny little white bump under my eyebrow, just above the crease of my eye. I thought maybe it was just a pimple, but when I tried to squeeze it nothing would come out and it wasn't red or painful so I left it alone.

I then thought maybe it was just a little skin tag (I get them other places from time to time and just cut them off.) so I left it alone to see what would happen.

Then about a week ago I was rubbing my eyes and I decided I'd had enough of the little bump, and I started scratching at it pretty vigorously, and when I did that, some little hard, white thing came out of it. It didn't bleed except for a tiny drop, and it hasn't come back at all.

What could that have been?? I also have Keratosis pilaris a little bit on my arms. I was wondering if it had anything to do with that?? Sorry if I've grossed you out.

What could this thing on my eye have been?
It could Have been a stye I get them all the Tyme they r not like regular zits u can't pop them.

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