Friday, August 20, 2010

I had an allergic reaction to a cosmetic wipe. What can I do to help it?

Ugh, okay, so I bought these new cosmetic wipes, which supposedly help keep your skin blemish free (I do not have acne, I bought them for my Keratosis Pilaris on my arms because it had 'Lactic Acid' in the ingredients, which isn't exactly what I would describe as 'bad' compared to the pictures I've seen, but I was just wondering if it would help...) I used one on my face, and when I woke up in the morning, my face had a rash and it was hot and itchy and a bit swollen, too. The heat and itching is only mild now, but it's still as red as ever. I have a college interview tomorrow, and looking like this will probably knock my confidence and I'll do worse than I would of in the interview than if I didn't have it, I know, pretty stupid of me, I'm regretting buying them at all.

I was just wondering if there was anything besides anti-inflammatory cream (which we don't have) I could use on my face, to make the redness go away, or at least lessen, do you think I should try ice?

I had an allergic reaction to a cosmetic wipe. What can I do to help it?
take a benedryll, and apply a hydrocortisone cream(like what's used for poinson ivy).
Reply:you can try HYTONE 1%. apply it very thinly on your face for as long as the rash is there. use it once maybe, duting sleeping time.

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