Friday, August 20, 2010

Lol, i shaved my a$$?

lol, ok so i'm a guy and i decided for some reason i wanted to shave a$s, so i did, now i'm not gay or anything i just thought it would look better, urns out it was a bad idea, now i have these red bumps all over, will these go away? or is keratosis pilaris?

Lol, i shaved my a$$?
HAHAHAHA sucks for u homo!
Reply:It's razor burn, and it will go away. If you decide to keep up with this (because it's going to itch REALLY bad as it grows back), I suggest Nair or Veet next time, no razor burn, just some minor irritation from the hair remover.
Reply:It's called razor burn and it will go away. Itches, doesn't it?
Reply:it will just be a shaving rash lol
Reply:silly's just razor burn.
Reply:No worries, they will go away but when the hair starts growing back...OUCH!

Applying powder will help.
Reply:its probably just razor burn not keratosis pilaris ,whatever that is good luck i hope it doesn't itch when it comes back in
Reply:That's razor burn, but the worst part is INGROWN HAIRS!

Use some vitamin E oil and aloe vera, it'll make you feel better. It will also heal much quicker.
Reply:No, It's Bettagrowsis Urasshairis

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