Friday, August 20, 2010

Pimples on thighs?

There are times when I break out on my thighs just below my butt...its gross and somtimes on my ***...i hate it...they look like pimples...theyre painful too...Im a clean person......I did some research on it and Im guessing I have "keratosis pilaris"...I HATE IT!!! anyone out there with the same problem? Is there anything that you have tried that help...Its embarrassing to wear a swimsuit because of this!

Pimples on thighs?
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
Reply:No I don't have that problem. Talk to a dermatologist, they can prescribe something to help I'm sure.
Reply:This is the start of something I call looking to deep beauty is more than skin deep don't worry about it if anyone mentions it ignore them this isn't a permanent problem though it may come it will go,my family always called it sweat bumps caused by sweat(anxiety) or fear of what every one thinks.....
Reply:Yes I have the same problem, even I thought the its KP. But I got it check with a skin speicalist, who told me it folliclitus. Its occurs due to waxing etc.....Doc told me to go thru some test.....After taking medication it stopped completely. But I do have marks on my thigh for which I'm applying some cream....................please consult your doc
Reply:maybe they're ingrown hairs, happens when you wax or shave. the hair grows in crooked, then gets caught up with oil and other unpleasantries. just wash your butt a bit more, thats what i would do.
Reply:You may have to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin. There are products at the Walgreens and CVS that will do this. You will also have to use a loofah sponge.
Reply:Just a Little heads up. Tight jeans or other clothing will cause hairs to break off and become ingrown or infected.

Other causes of this type thing. If you over crowd your washing machine th esoap does not get rinsed out good and it can cause you to break out. Changing laundry soap and softener can cause you to break out. It could also have something to do with the bath soap and the shampoo you use (if you wash your hair while you shower). Perfumes. Shaving. Never us a razor that anyone else has used you can get a bad infection from that, and it will cause you to break out. Sharing a razor can cause blood poisoning even
Reply:if it is keratosis pilaris then you can get special scrubs to exfoliate your skin

and lotions that will also help

go to i think...something like that

but there are tons of products you can purchase online to help you out

cant hurt can it?

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