Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Skin Care??

What is the best, fastest, most affective thing to use for acne? I want something that will work extremely fast. And also, what is something I can use for Keratosis Pilaris? Price doesn't matter but I want to be able to buy these things at Wal-Mart or Target, or some other store like that.

Skin Care??
Each body is different; what works fro me it might not for you. Try Wichthazel: clean the acne area at night, dry it then put some Wichthszel on a cotton ball and "clean" that area several times with it, each time letting it dry.

As for the the other, consult a pharmacist at either store. It should eb able to suggest/recommend some product from over the counter.
Reply:i heard proactive works great
Reply:Try 100% Tea Tree Oil. The irritation will decrease and your skin becomes clear in a few days.
Reply:proactive is a good product if you have serious acne,glycerin soap works pretty fast and good too, clearasil ice wash worked really good for but thats just for a few zits here and there not nessearly for acne but it works nicely,hope this was some help =)
Reply:acne is a result of overactive sebaceous glands, so you need to work from the insude out. i would suggest going to your dematologist and asking for a topical creme such as clynamicin, along with tetracyclin is a pill that you should use in combination. once your skin is under control using these two suplements, move on to long term skin care. i suggest for maintenance dr. haushka's line. very important also is getting facials. they are can ranger from $45-90, but the results are worth it. when you see the estatician, ask for extractions. estaticians give your skin the deep cleaning it really needs.

For the keratosis, neutrogena has a great bump reducing lotion that has alpha-hydroxy in it. alpha-hydroxy lotion is great for treatment.
Reply:Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to Acne cure


Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/


Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

Henna on hair/Splitends/


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles

Reply:Acne Answers



Reply:Have a look here.
Reply:Epoch Blemish Treatment by Nuskin. Proven by my wife.

All your skin problems have solutions on this website so check it out it helped me so here goes,http://www.wellnesstalk.org

Good luck

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