Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is there a cure for keratosis pilaris?

My 14year old son has this distressing skin condition which causes him great embarassment. Any cures?

Is there a cure for keratosis pilaris?
My daughter has the same....We went to the dermatology clinic and they said it was a variation of normal. They suggested using a cream with urea in it but i have to say it didn't work very well. Some have suggested using a buf puf when washing and using lots of moisturizer. Also have a look on the link below. They suggest things.
Reply:keratosis pilaris has no cures but it can be treated..hope this can help...

- patient can supplement the natural removal of dry skil and papules by using a loofah or another type of scrub showering or bathing

- treatments are largely symptomatic and must be repeated. Regardless, exfoliation, intensive moisturizing cremes, Retin-A, and medicated lotions containing alpha-hydroxy acids or urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin.

KP often improves with age.

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