Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is there a way to clear up Keratosis Pilaris?

I know you can't get rid of it completely but I just want to know what to do.

I hate having it.

I don't even have acne on my face.

I actuallly wish it was acne on my arm.

At least then I'd know how to help it.

Is there a way to clear up Keratosis Pilaris?
I know how you feel.

The best remedy for me has been using a lufa mit and some natural oil and or a sea salt scrub. It helps a lot (it never goes away fully but this 'scrubbing and natural oil is effective'.

I use awaken sea salt scrub (arbonne) and the nutregena oil + the lufa mit (alternate daily in the shower).
Reply:try Amlactin lotion which is over the counter and you ask for it back at the pharmacy.

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