I'd prefer anything that has helped you with KP...but all is appreciated.
What are some good remedies for Keratosis Pilaris?
Most people say to exfoliate and moisturize, which usually works pretty well but can end up irritating you skin a good deal. There's no actual cure for it, but it usually gets better with age (It's also hereditary, so chances are your mother or father has it as well). Here's a bit of an article that helped me a good deal!
"You can soften and help slough off bumps by rubbing them with a mixture of equal parts petroleum jelly and either water or cold cream. If that doesn't work, prescription Retin-A probably will, but it can irritate the surrounding skin. A better alternative: prescription LactiCare-HC Lotion 2 1/2%, which contains lactic acid to dissolve dead skin cells and hydrocortisone to soothe any acid-induced irritation. Rub lotion onto bumps twice a day until they clear up."
I don't have the link to the entire article (That actually might have been all they put) but I got it from http://www.webmd.com/
Don't stress too much about it though, I have it pretty bad, but most people don't even notice. Even if they do, they could care less!
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