Thursday, July 22, 2010

What have you tried on your Keratosis Pilaris that has worked for you?

I've had it as long as I can remember and the only thing that's helped is Vaseline Healthy Body Complexion lotion - and now it's been discontinued!! :-( So I need to find another "holy grail" product... and fast!!

What have you tried on your Keratosis Pilaris that has worked for you?
I've had Keratosis pilaris since I was about 9 years old.Now I am 13 and I've started to use this cream called Lac-Hydrin and I have also just recently started going to the tanning booth every other day.Lac-Hydrin is expensive but I've been using it for about a week and I have already seen big changes. But you shouldn't use lac hydrin on your face because facial skin is a bit more sensitive.Another solution is Sleeping with a humidifier on and not wearing tight clothes.

.....I hope this helped you and good luck

orchid cactus

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