Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is there a connection between diet and keratosis pilaris?

i have had kp since i was pretty young and it got really bad on my arms, legs, and backside. i notice it a little on my face too which is freaking me out. is there a connection between diet and this condition and how else should i treat it?

Is there a connection between diet and keratosis pilaris?
Diet isn't involved in KP, but environment sure is. My guess is that you probably live in a dry climate. My city is very dry and many woman I know have KP. One thing I do is to use a salicylic acid peel once a week on those areas. It's helped a lot by clearing out the clogged pores. Following the peel I really moisturize well. During showers I use a salt scrub to also help keep the pores open. But I think the salicylic peel makes the biggest difference. I got mine (10% peel initially and now I use 20%) on eBay.

I've tried using Retin A creams in the past, but it just made my skin red and dry.

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