on my skin there are white spots, some of them are bumps, some are only marks on my skin. It's like goosebumps and my skin is incredibly sharp (lol) when i freak out or when it's cold. I call them PERMANENT GOOSEBUMPS. sometimes (Seldom) it's itchy, but normally not. what is this?
Itchy white bumps? dry skin, chicken skin or keratosis pilaris?
It may be keratosis pilaris which is what I have on my upper arms. I use KP Duty from Dermadoctor.com. It is not cheap but is the only thing that has worked for me (and I've been buying lotions and prescriptions and home remedies for over 10 years trying to fix it until I found this stuff a year and a half ago). Mine are soft now and barely noticeable unless you are trying to look for it.
Reply:Anti fungal cream may help .. it may be the start of a condition called morgellons .. MORGELLONS.ORG compare symptoms
it begins with an odd unbearably itchy rash that is mistaken for scabies .. antibiotics mainly tetracycline helps ( I have been on it for over a year but it doesn't clear it up totally .
you will need to purchase a handheld 30X lighted microscope before you see the doctor
look at your skin in tacked and where the bites appear .. if you see thread like filaments in your skin Then show your doctor and ask to be put on antibiotics , tetracycline highest dosage and take probiotics from a vitamin store so you wont get a fungal infection email me at nomof3@yahoo.com if you have any questions
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