Saturday, July 24, 2010

I was told the bumps on my arms were keratosis pilaris?

or something like that... I was wondering how you treat it. I was told it was from the sun and to use sunscreen.

I was told the bumps on my arms were keratosis pilaris?
Solar keratosis? Are they just bumps or have they started to bleed yet? They do eventually develop into sores that won't heal. And untreated there is a slight chance of developing squamous skin cancer from them.

They can be lasered off, frozen off, cut off, etc. There is a prescription cream called effudex (SP?) or something like that for these too. I don't know if it is still on the market. I believe it is a chemo-type drug just in cream form. I used it about 8 years ago and my "sores" never returned. I do have small white dots where they were though. I am a very fair- skinned blond/blue eyes, so I had 100+ of the small sores.

If I were in your shoes, I would go to a dermatologist to be treated. Just using sunscreen will prevent a few more from forming, but why take a risk of skin cancer with the ones you have? Get them taken off either by treatment or procedure.
Reply:Yeah thats what the doctor told me I have. I have recently seen an ad in a magazine for some sort of lotion specificaly for keratosis pilaris but what I do is use a scrubby thingy lol and use that in the shower with some of that textured body wash, I think its by Dove, than I use baby oil when needed. My arms have been much smoother and the redness has not been as bad. Well hope this helped. Good Luck!
Reply:Keratosis pilaris is caused by scale plugging pores on the skin--mostly on the arms and legs. The best management is to use some form of "exfoliation" such as an abrasive puff, or an exfoliating cream or lotion. In the line of lotions I like a product called Amlactin cream. As far as the sun is concerned, exposure to the sun tends to cause slight exfoliation itself. Therefore, it should be helpful for keratosis pilaris not harmful. Just be careful you don't get a sunburn.
Reply:there is a lotion called kp duty which is specifically for that. sephora carries it and they will give u a sample i got one and it did change the amounts of bumps on my arms.... go to this website

hope it helps :)

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