Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Homeopathic ways to treat Keratosis Pilaris?

I have suffered from this for years! Please help

Homeopathic ways to treat Keratosis Pilaris?
Hi CookFrNW, today is many are effective treatments available and make symptoms Keratosis Pilaris less apparent.

Treatments are largely symptomatic and must be repeated regularly. Regardless, exfoliation, intensive moisturizing cremes, lac-hydrin, Retin A and medicated lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids or urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin.

Milk baths may provide some cosmetic improvement due to the lactic acid — a natural alpha hydroxy acid in milk. Sunlight may also be helpful but increases risk of skin cancer. Small amounts of vitamin A can be used orally but only with exteme caution due to potential for liver damage.

Check with a dermatologist or family doctor before taking extra vitamin A due to the its potential toxic effects.

Scratching and picking at KP bumps causes them to redden (if they do not already appear red), and in many cases will cause bleeding. Excessive picking can lead to scarring. Wearing clothing that is looser around the affected areas can also help reduce the marks, as constant chafing from clothing (such as tight fitting jeans) is similar to repeatedly scratching the bumps.

Jason Homan
Reply:I have been suffering for years as well. I know how you feel. I notice that it seems to diminish when I lay out in the sun. I have heard that exfoliating really well everyday and using a very thick lotion helps. I also heard that it can be due to a vitamin A deficiancy.
Reply:Keratosis Pilaris is a common skin condition characterized by small, red bumps primarily on the back and upper arms.

Keratosis is a condition where there is a horny growth from the hair follicles, usually on the backs of the thighs and the arms. Usually when I have treated this condition it has been part of a constitutional picture and there is no one remedy in homeopathy for Keratosis Pilaris. Remedies that might be worth looking at include Arsenicum album, Cal. Fluor and Alumina. Other treatments which have been suggested include Vitamin A or Betacarotene supplements, and Evening Primrose Oil.


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